scientific-technical journal

Pozharnaya bezopasnost’/FIRE SAFETY

ISSN 2411-3778   eISSN 2782-3199


УДК 614.842.86(985)                                                                               DOI 10.37657/vniipo.2020.99.2.009


E.V. Pavlov, I.V. Nesterov, A.I. Pichugin, K.E. Arkhireev, V.I. Loginov, A.A. Poroshin




Abstract. The main directions of FPS GPS divisions development in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) are formulated. The paper draws attention to the problem of equipping fire and rescue units operating in the AZRF with special equipment adapted to extreme operating conditions. A number of factors have a negative impact on providing fire and rescue units with the necessary equipment. They include an insufficient number of equipment types designed specifically for operation in AZRF conditions, the lack of a regulatory framework containing the requirements to certain types of fire and rescue equipment of HL climatic performance. In addition, the authorizing departmental documents, defining the order of material and technical support of divisions of FPS GPS EMERCOM of Russia, do not consider the features of material and technical support of divisions in AZRF.

There are formulated the following main development priorities for the system of material and technical support of forces and means of the FPS GPS EMERCOM of Russia in AZRF: development and implementation of innovative models of multifunctional mobile fire and rescue vehicles and equipment, improvement of the system of maintenance and repair for fire and rescue equipment and vehicles in the Arctic zone. In addition, it is necessary to build, reconstruct and equip the infrastructure objects for divisions of FPS GPS EMERCOM of Russia including the provision with modern information and communication technologies and life-support systems that allow to monitor the situation effectively and, if necessary, to warn the population.


Keywords: fire vehicles, fire-fighting equipment, rescue tools, rescue operations, rescue operations related to fire suppression, the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation



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  4. Loginov V.I., Nesterov I.V., Pichugin A.I., Arkhireev K.E. Analiz jekspluatacii pozharnoj tehniki, sredstv individual'noj zashhity i pozharno-tehnicheskogo vooruzhenija: otchet o NIR [Analysis of fire equipment operation, personal protective equipment, and fire-technical weapons. Research report]. VNIIPO, 2019, 441 p. (In Russian).
  5. Loginov V.I., Nesterov I.V., Pichugin A.I., Arkhireev K.E. Kompleksnye issledovanija po monitoringu zakupok, jekspluatacii, tehnicheskomu obsluzhivaniju i remontu pozharno-spasatel'noj tehniki: otchet o NIR [Comprehensive research on monitoring purchases, operation, maintenance and repair of fire and rescue equipment. Research Report]. VNIIPO, 2018, 380 p. (In Russian).
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  7. Loginov V.I., Nesterov I.V., Pichugin A.I., Arkhireev K.E. Issledovanija v oblasti jeffektivnosti jekspluatacii pozharno-spasatel'noj i avarijno-spasatel'noj tehniki MChS Rossii, plavsredstv, robototehnicheskih sredstv (kompleksov) special'nogo naznachenija, sredstv individual'noj zashhity, avarijno-spasatel'nogo instrumenta, pozharno-tehnichesk vooruzogohenija i pozharnyh rukavov otchet o NIR [Research in the field of efficiency of operation of fire-rescue and emergency rescue equipment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, watercraft, robotic means (complexes) for special purposes, personal protective equipment, emergency rescue tools, fire-technical weapons and fire hoses. Research Report]. VNIIPO, 2017, 415 p. (In Russian).
  8. Loginov V.I., Nesterov I.V., Pichugin A.I., Arkhireev K.E. Normativno-analiticheskaja podderzhka dejatel'nosti po ocenke jekspluatacii pozharnyh avtomobilej, sredstv individual'noj zashhity, pozharno-tehnicheskogo vooruzhenija i pozharnyh rukavov otchet o NIR [Normative and analytical support for the evaluation of the operation of fire vehicles, personal protective equipment, fire-technical weapons and fire hoses. Research Report]. VNIIPO, 2016, 231 p. (In Russian).
  9. Nekrasov А.К., Loginov V.I., Arkhireev К.Е. Numerical modeling of temperature profiles in multilayer packages of materials and fabrics for special heat-resistant fire fighteґs’ uniform. Pozharnoe delo – Fire Work, 2018, no. 1, pp. 70–75. (In Russian).
  10. Nekrasov А.К., Loginov V.I., Arkhireev К.Е. Prediction of temperature modes and protection time for fire fighter’s combat clothing against heat factors of fire in arctic climate. Pozharnaja bezopasnost' – Fire Safety, 2018, no 3, pp. 86–90.
    (In Russian).



Received February 20, 2020



Evgeny V. Pavlov – Deputy Head of the Institute;

Ivan V. Nesterov – Deputy Head of NIC PSRT – Head of Department of NIC PSRT;

Aleksandr I. Pichugin – Head of Department;

Kirill E. Arkhireev – Deputy Head of Department. E-mail: 4.6@vniipo.ru;

Vladimir I. Loginov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Main Researcher. E-mail: loginovvlad@mail.ru;

Alexander A. Poroshin – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of NIC OUP PB.

All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection (VNIIPO), the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia),
Balashikha, Moscow region, Russia.

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