scientific-technical journal

Pozharnaya bezopasnost’/FIRE SAFETY

ISSN 2411-3778   eISSN 2782-3199


УДК 614.841.12                                            DOI: 10.37657/vniipo.pb.2021.28.92.005


S.N. Kopylov, N.V. Smirnov, A.V. Kazakov


Critical analysis of the regulatory requirements for carbon dioxide fire extinguishing in the tanks with oil products



Experimental background of the regulatory requirements for carbon dioxide automatic fire extinguishing systems to protect fuel tanks is analyzed. It is shown that justification of the design parameters of such systems is not sufficient. Experimental data on carbon dioxide fire extinguishing in the fuel tanks having a volume of more than 5000 m3 are unknown, so there is an unjustified normative expansion of the scope of application of CO2 fire extinguishing systems for the protection of big tanks with oil and petroleum products. There has not been investigated the issue of CO2 efficiency at high air temperature and in the presence of wind. It is also shown that there is a very short period of time since the moment of ignition till the moment of activation of extinguishing system during which automatic carbon dioxide fire suppression has conditionally confirmed effectiveness. Even a small delay in activation of the system or late detection of a fire will make CO2 ineffective. The use of carbon dioxide to extinguish fires in tanks with oil and petroleum products will lead to formation of large areas of gas contamination which are dangerous for people and also disable the equipment involved in fire fighting. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the design parameters of carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems specified in the regulatory documentation for the case of fire protection of tanks with oil and petroleum products are insufficiently justified.


Keywords: fire, tank, oil products, gas extinguishing installations, carbon dioxide, fire protection



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Received March 26, 2021




Sergey N. Kopylov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Main Researcher. Е-mail: firetest@mail.ru;

Nikolai V. Smirnov – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher;

Aleksey V. Kazakov – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Department. Е-mail: vniipo22@mail.ru

All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection (VNIIPO), the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia), Balashikha, Moscow region, Russia


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