scientific-technical journal

Pozharnaya bezopasnost’/FIRE SAFETY

ISSN 2411-3778   eISSN 2782-3199






Vladimir I. Loginov1, Maxim V. Vishchekin1, Sergey M. Dymov1, Dmitry Yu. Rusanov1


1All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection (VNIIPO), the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia). Balashikha, Moscow region, Russia


Abstract. The article considers the issue of proactive measures for citizens in preliminary preparation for rescue from high-rise buildings during a fire. Recommended means and probable scenarios of fire development with the optimal scheme of actions are given.

The fire is always a sudden event, so it is necessary to prepare fire alarm and rescue means preliminarily and to elaborate the order of their application depending on the situation in the case of fire inside an apartment.

There are distinguished from the list of normatively established primary and secondary fire hazrds two new hazards not having numerical expression namely “shortage of time” and “unpredictability”. These factors cause most of the accidents in the residential sector which is clearly seen in the materials of the statistical compendium.

The material is intended to help the ordinary human to use the time available to a person from the beginning of a fire to the onset of the first of fire hazards in the most rational way.

The proposed solutions are not burdensome either in organizational or financial aspects and can be taken as a basic level of preparation for individual rescue from high-rise buildings in various emergencies.


Keywords: means for rescue from height, fire, fire hazards, escape from fire, fire scenarios


For citation: Loginov V.I., Vishchekin M.V., Dymov S.M., Rusanov D.Yu. Preventive measures for citizens to rescue from high-rise buildings in case of fire. Pozharnaya Bezopasnost‘ – Fire Safety, 2022, no. 3 (108), pp. 94–105. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.37657/vniipo.pb.2022.32.20.011.




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Information about the authors

 V.I. Loginov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Main Researcher, ORCID 0000-0003-1418-8780, loginov@vniipo.ru;

М.V. Vishchekin – Deputy Head of Department – Chief of Sector, smokoff@list.ru;

S.М. Dymov – Senior Researcher, smokoff@list.ru;

D.Yu. Rusanov – Senior Researcher, smokoff@list.ru.


The article was submitted 02.02.2022; approved after reviewing 30.03.2022; accepted for publication 01.08.2022.


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