scientific-technical journal

Pozharnaya bezopasnost’/FIRE SAFETY

ISSN 2411-3778   eISSN 2782-3199






Sergey Yu. Karpov1,  Aleksey Ya. Ponimaskin1, Svetlana S. Shishanova1


1All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection (VNIIPO), the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia). Balashikha, Moscow region, Russia

2Department of Supervisory Activities and Preventive Work of the Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia for the Sakhalin Region, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Region, Russia


Abstract. The conceptually different approach to the validation of calculation procedures related to fire modeling is proposed. There are formed suggestions and recommendations on the use of the results of fire research in terms of verifying the reliability and accuracy of existing calculation procedures for predicting fire hazards (OFP). There are discussed the issues of reliability of calculation procedures for forensic fire-technical examination.

There is analyzed the current state of activity related to experimental evidence of suitability and accuracy of existing calculation procedures for fire modeling. There are considered the problems and positive aspects of implementation of the concept of the approach for validation of calculation procedures by means of accumulation of empirical data through the detailed study of the occurred fires.

There are proposed the recommendations for the formation of a methodological concept for validation of the calculation procedure for OFP modeling through the study of fires and ignitions. There is formulated the general approach for using the instrumental-analytical method for determining physical parameters in a fire in real time based on the analysis of various data sets.

Keywords: fire and technical expertise, forensic expertise, fire, fire safety, legal proceedings, fire investigation, expert, calculation procedure, validation, verification, fire hazards, experiment, fire modeling

For citation: Karpov S.Yu., Ponimaskin A.Ya., Shishanova S.S. Instrumental and analytical validation method for calculation procedure of fire simulation. Suggestions and recommendations. Pozharnaya Bezopasnost‘ – Fire Safety, 2022, no. 2 (107), pp. 63–71. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.37657/vniipo.pb.2022.107.2.006.



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Information about the authors


S.Yu. Karpov – Senior Researcher, Flogiston_@mail.ru;

A.Ya. Ponimaskin – Head of Department, ponimaskin81@mail.ru;

S.S. Shishanova – Head of Department, svetik__112@mail.ru. 


The article was submitted 30.12.2021; approved after reviewing 15.01.2022; accepted for publication 01.03.2022.

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